Many a time we expect and demand certain things; if they happen or met – fine; we are pleased and we fly straight to seventh heaven. However if they do not happen or are not met, we are disappointed and land in desolation.
Why all these?Life is full of expectations. Right from the beginning, we expect our parents to be at our beck and call. Thereafter, we expect out siblings, friends, classmates and teachers accept what ever we say or do. Then we expect to get very good marks (may be even State or University First!) in our examinations (it is a different story whether we have burnt sufficient ‘midnight oil’ to get this ‘distinction’).
With a mediocre degree or other qualifications, we expect plum openings with a very important designation and with hefty pay packets but with least work or hardly any work. We expect fatty increments year after year. We demand promotions when there are other more meritorious contenders in the line. We desire and demand heroines / heroes as our life partners when we ourselves are not heroes / heroines.
We expect our ‘offspring’ to be super-intelligent. We expect them to acquire good manners and excellent qualifications. The next milestone will be very good opening for them in their career lives. Then an understanding, accommodative, well to do (stinking rich?), beautiful or handsome brides or bridegrooms. Well, the list of demands is never ending. Is it not?
May be in hell or heaven too – our next ‘promotion’ in life – we will demand things to happen the way we want.
Why all these?
Each one of us has unfulfilled ambitions – whether we deserve them or not, by design or default, or by choice or compulsion. We look for such ambitions to be fulfilled by all means and methods. When we succeed, no questions. When we fail, we are disappointed and desolate.
How to overcome them and become achievers?
Well. First of all it should be accepted that it is not easy. One has to work out his / her way very assiduously. Many sacrifices in the form of resources – energy, money and time – have to be made and there should be no regrets. Till the mission is achieved / the goal is met, one should even sacrifice hunger, needs, sleep, etc. Well. It is easier said than done.
If it does not work what else should be done?
Yes. It may not work in all the cases in such a simple manner. If it does not materialize, alternatives have to be worked out and attempted. One should have the confidence in his / her efforts that he / she will succeed. Any half-hearted attempt will only court failure. There is no doubt about it. Even after this, one is not able to achieve the demand or mission or goal, the very demand / mission /goal may have to be changed or broken into achievable parts, step by step.
How to manage emotional factors when demands fail and disappointments set in?When failures strike, naturally one gets disappointed. He / she becomes desolate. This in turn brings in further set backs and he / she ultimately loses control over himself / herself. So, in his / her interest, one should manage such failures and disappointments. He should have diversions, hobbies and other avocations.
If the situation becomes intolerable, one should quit the scene. If he / she loses in one place or at one time, he / she will succeed next time and in other places. Just recall the old saying to reassure – failures lead to assail success step by step.
What is the preferred road map for achievers?
Stage One: First decide about the demand or mission. Are you capable of achieving them? If you find something is lacking in your eyes, just acquire them. Such self-stocktaking is a sure way to success.
Stage Two: Scan the environment. Are there opportunities? Any threats? Realise such opportunities in your favour. Convert all threats into opportunities. If not at least into inconsequences.
Stage Three: Execute your plan step by step. Such planned execution is always better as it will ensure mid term corrections possible and painless.
Stage Four: In case the going is difficult be ruthless – only with yourself. Simultaneously ensure that you take care to be extra careful with others. You need their support.
Stage Five: Suppose success still eludes you. Well don’t ever get disappointed and become desolate. Rework your demands, mission and plans. Till you succeed. Consider yourself lucky as you are meant to fly high – SKY HIGH.
Well. Have you any demand on you? If not work on it right now. You can afford no more time losses.